Some of the more common questions about our club are also answered below in our FAQs. 

I have added my swimmer to the wait list. How long might we wait to join the club?

There is more demand for space in the club than we can fulfill at any given time. We accept athletes who can swim 25 metres independently.
Bringing in new swimmers depends on the level of the swimmer coming in and where there is room in the groups.  

When you sign up for an assessment your swimmer will come in and show some of their skills to a coach.
This assessment takes between 10 - 15 minutes.
When a space becomes available a spot will be offered. This is only achieveable when spaces become available. 

What are my volunteer obligations when I have an athlete in the TBSC?

Each family is required to volunteer at one of our two regional sanctioned meets hosted by the TBSC.
Running a meet takes a minimum of 30 volunteers during the event. We are not able to be a competitive club without the participation of all our families. Please ensure you know when the regional meets are by checking the events list and that you sign up for a clinic hosted by the club to get training for your role. We do have support roles available that are less technical and off deck.
​​​​​​​The sign up for all roles are posted prior to the meets we host. 

Is there individual funding available for athletes?

Funding is available through the KidsSport Provincial funding which accepts applications on an ongoing basis. The information and application is here: 

The Canadian Tire Jumpstart program accepts applications.
Information can be found here:

Is there an athlete billeting program?

There is! If your child competes we want to encourage you to become a billeting family. The regional clubs have collaborated to ensure we are providing a safe and clearly communicated billeting program for athletes with the intention of building camraderie in our regional athlete network and reducing barrriers to competition. To become a billet family all adults in the home need clear criminal record checks completed through the club. To sign up as a billet family contact the registrar for more information.  

How do I know if my child should be attending meets?

Coaches discuss meets in advance with their swimmers. It is the expectation that swimmers are training with the intention of swimming at competitive meets.  Meet information is sent out in advance for registration and you can review the expected meet schedule here. Talking to your child's coach can help you make a plan for which meets your child will attend over the season. 

How do I get a hold of my child's coach?

It can be hard to get time one on one with your child's coach as they are often on deck looking after numerous other swimmers. The best way to make sure you get a chance to chat with your coach when they are ready to talk about your athlete without distraction is by setting up an apppointment via email. Parents are asked to not approach coaches on deck during practices.

The coaches can be reached at tbsccoach@gmail.com. Check the site and our facebook page for coach office hours. 

How can I best support my swimmer?

Making sure your child is on deck 15 minutes before practice times is the single best thing you can do to support your swimmer as a blueback. 

During meets, the best thing you can do for your swimmer after their races is to tell them they did great, give them a hug and make sure they talked to their coach after their race for coach feedback. 

My child has not been to a meet before. What can we expect at a swim meet?

We encourage all our athletes to test the meet environment with in house meet participation first. These events help swimmers understand the flow of a meet in a fun, supportive environment with some goofiness in a low risk environment. 

For athletes who are entering a sanctioned meet for the first time parents created the guide here:

Check out our short guide for families new to meets 

What if I want to withdraw my swimmer from the club?

Withdrawing from the club requires 30 days notice. Please email the registrar to notify the club.